Legbands are only as good as the breeders record keeping. We purchased a program to help us track lineage, print pedigrees, and hold impeccable records. We also keep our records using 3 methods so that they can never be lost.
We purchase all of our leg bands through SPBE so that future owners can easily find us through their leg band registrar (secretary). If owners can’t find this site directly, the Society of Parrot Breeders and Exhibitors band secretary can direct you here.

Wild green in Greywing mutation – single factor male legband #SPBE ED♥05 MA 15
© COPYRIGHT 2015 Eddie’s Aviary
All of our legbands are closed banded aluminum, purchased through our favorite club, SPBE (Society of Parrot Breeders and Exhibitors) and marked with our state code “MA” for Massachusetts. Scarlets & Bourkes do not have a state designation as the band circumference is too small to accommodate it. The year, displayed as a two digit number (example 15 for 2015), and our breeder code that identifies it as our bird (we use the letters ED with a heart shape ♥) plus a number that is unique to the individual bird that we keep parentage records on. In many cases, more extensive background histories on parent birds is available in a separate database, please contact us for details.
We now offer leg bands that are club registered, available on demand as you need them, and we act as a middle man to your information. Save the confusion of keeping records and let us do it for you for the life of your bird for the cost of $3.00 a band. As of now. we are offering them only in a size to fit English Budgerigars. Scarlet Chested, Elegant, and Bourke’s Parakeets.
Click here to add them to your shopping cart.