We have kept many pet parrots over the years. There are many beautiful birds out there that make terrific pets, but most of them often come with concessions. Loud screaming voices, dirty powdery feather dust, hormone surges, big and damaging beaks (to human skin and furniture)….. you name it and all our “perfect parrot” dreams were crushed. Until we stumbled upon a Linnie.
The Linnie was originally found in the highland forests from Southern Mexico to Panama, in the Andes from Western Venezuela to southern Peru, the Santa Marta Mountains in Colombia and the Venezuelan Coastal Range. Relatively new to US aviculture, this species has only been kept here since approximately 1985 in very limited numbers. Very little is known about their wild diets, and nesting behaviors. Over the last 5 years, we have developed a fantastic diet for them that has really made a difference in the health and vigor of our Linnies. Click here to go to the page where we describe (and offer for sale) our 50+ ingredient Linnie mix feed and have it shipped to your door.
They have a terrific compact size, similar to a lovebird (weighing between 48 and 60 grams typically). Their short, broad tail doesn’t get caught on cage bars and get frayed. It fans out when the bird is excited and snaps in and out making for a terrific display. They have funny, larger parrot personalities and are very playful. They love toys and run around their cages more like gerbils than birds. When hand fed or co-parented they make lovely and endearing friends, enjoying a snuggle in your neck or hands. They are QUIET compared to any other parrot I have kept and only get noisy when separated from their partner or at dusk or dawn in a big pack. They are great apartment birds.
The only downfall of the Linnie is the size of their poop. It is very large and wet compared to the size of their bodies. Learning their cues and holding them over a paper towel every 15-20 minutes so they can “go” makes a world of difference. Full pelleted diets firm up their stool, but is not healthy for them. They won’t breed on full pellet diets, the benchmark for proper nutrition and health. A varied seed/nut mix along with lots of fresh is always best. Offering a cup of pellets free-range is great for in-between meals, but just don’t let it be the main diet. We offer a custom blended Linnie seed and nut mix which makes our birds glow from the inside (click here to get some for yourself!).
Here is a video we made of a pair enjoying a bath….. Linnies are such clowns!
Even though we are rather partial to the normal green “wild” color, we celebrate all the Linnie mutations with the exception of greywing (sometimes mistakenly called dilute). We do not have any in our breeding flock as we believe it is an unhealthy and low quality mutation in the US at this time. We have the Blues (turquoise series) (Turquoise, Cobalt, Mauve and Creamino) as well as Greens (Green, Dark Green, Olive, and Lutino).
We offer lightening fast communication, lots of updates, pictures and video on your baby during the handfeeding period, and offer responsible shipping through Delta Airlines.

© COPYRIGHT 2014 Eddie’s Aviary
Our birds come from terrific stock and the quality and personality stand out.