UPDATE November 9, 2019
All the babies from the last round have gone to their new homes, or are going next week. There is a pretty dark green split turquoise hen that is out of a violet pair (and may be hiding that mutation) that is about 9 weeks old and parent raised that would be great for a breeding program. She was handled a lot in the nest, but would be best suited as a companion or breeding stock at this point over a pet. We do have some Cockatiels, Linnies, and English Budgies in the nest that will be coming available in the next few weeks for deposit. Contact us if interested, we have a few people waiting, but I think there will be some still available.
Our beloved Lovebird “Eddie” turned 12 years old on Tuesday! We made him a cake and sung him happy birthday. He was the inspiration to raise tame birds for others so they could enjoy a pet bird like we do.
October 19, 2019
Well, that didn’t take long…. looks like all the babies are spoken for in this round of babies. We are waiting on a deposit for two, but the buyer sounds strong, so I doubt it will fall through. Check back on October 28th to see if I have the deposit or if they are available again.
We do have a pair on eggs, and the parents of the parent raised clutch started to lay with the babies still in the box, so it looks like they will have babies again too. Fingers crossed so everybody waiting can get what they are seeking. ♥
October 12, 2019 DNA RESULTS ARE IN ON BABIES – CONTACTING WAIT LISTERS Birds are not yet weaned. ETA is 2-3 weeks before ready to go home. If a breeder, the parent raised are hard to find, and do make better parents themselves. Contact Us if interested in somebody seen here. I can send pictures when they feather out all the way. The parent raised are fledging now.
PARENT RAISED – but handled | Lineolated Parakeet (Dark Green split turq out of violet) | SPBE ED ♥ 10 MA 19 | Female- pending Cheryl |
HANDFED | Lineolated Parakeet (Dark Green split turq) | SPBE ED ♥ 13 MA 19 | SOLD |
HANDFED | Lineolated Parakeet (Turquoise) | SPBE ED ♥ 17 MA 19 | SOLD |
HANDFED | Lineolated Parakeet (Turquoise) | SPBE ED ♥ 18 MA 19 | Female – UNDER DEPOSIT – Micah |
HANDFED | Lineolated Parakeet (Green split turq) | SPBE ED ♥ 19 MA 19 | SOLD |
HANDFED | Lineolated Parakeet (Green split turq) | SPBE ED ♥ 22 MA 19 | Male UNDER DEPOSIT – ANTHONY |
PARENT RAISED – but handled | Lineolated Parakeet (Turquoise) | SPBE ED ♥ 8 MA 19 | SOLD |
HANDFED | Lineolated Parakeet (Normal Green split turq) | SPBE ED ♥ 12 MA 19 | SOLD |
PARENT RAISED – but handled | Lineolated Parakeet (Cobalt Violet) | SPBE ED ♥ 11 MA 19 | SOLD |
October 1st, 2019

Wife of Mr. Big, this is Venus – a multiple Best in Show winner Cobalt violet hen. They are doing a fantastic job as parents. COPYRIGHT 2019 Eddie’s Aviary

Not the best pic of the pair, but they were bothered by my presence while growing their family. A great pair – We are keeping 2 babies, and will offer 2 from this clutch. COPYRIGHT 2019 Eddie’s Aviary
We have a group of babies we are hand feeding for wait-listers, so if you have been out of touch for a while, be the squeaky wheel, you may get lucky! Our gorgeous 2018 show circuit pair did a fantastic job their first time! So we let them raise all of them on their own for practice (plus we wanted to keep a couple for us), so if you would like a parent raised baby out of them, send us a message.) Pictures of the pair below. DNA samples are all in and posted above. There is a normal green in there that if that is a hen, would also be available. If you desire a breeding bird, parent raised birds retain more of the natural instinct for feeding and caring for their young. Linnies are hard to find, and expensive because they are complicated to propagate. We also have a pair (proven, but not together, although they do like each other very much) available. See below.

Dark green and normal green Linnie hens “hanging” with a Turquoise and Lutino in the neighboring flight. With 100 perch places, they often choose to hang upside down on the wire!
© COPYRIGHT 2017 Eddie’s Aviary
Summer 2018 – We have had a banner year raising this difficult to propagate species. We are handfeeding a few now, but they may be spoken for. We are just waiting for dna results to come back in the end of the week of the 16th of July. Contact us if you want to get onto a stand-by list in case someone has a change of heart at the end.
We have another pair on eggs, but last check only a couple were fertile, so we will see how that hashes out in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed!

A trio of violet cobalt linnie siblings with full crops and dirty faces after eating lunch.
© COPYRIGHT 2016 Eddie’s Aviary