One of the most successful changes we made to the overall health and well being of our birds was the addition of this herb mix.

Bird Salad is a protective, preventative and health superstar mix of herb (root, flower, bark,etc) that should be added to any captive bird’s diet.
© COPYRIGHT 2018 Eddie’s Aviary
All ingredients are Organic, Wild-Crafted and/or Kosher. Human-grade, all natural and pesticide free.
We all like to feed our birds diverse and complete diets. Problem is, caged bird diets are lacking in most of the things our birds need in order to cure common conditions. Feeling “off” can result in the mysterious fluffed bird. This mix of almost 30 natural ingredients offers your birds: liver, kidney and immune system health, digestive system cures, elimination or reduction in fungal or respiratory infections, internal or external parasite loads, and increases your birds overall vigor. Below is pricing and links to buy, and under that is the full ingredient list, with descriptions of some of the benefits of each herb. If you have a large collection, and seek bulk pricing, contact us for that price list.
Click Here to Buy!
Astragalus Root astragalus membranaceous – removes free radicals, improves digestion, helpful during times of stress (including breeding, molting or travel), firms loose stools
Barberry Root berberis vulgaris – contains alkaloids which assist the digestive tract, improves respiratory health, works to suppress harmful yeasts which can rob your bird of important nutrients and supports healthy crop health. Works to improve liver health.
Basil ocimum basilicum – disease-fighting antioxidants, an anti-inflammatory. Contains antimicrobial properties that fight viruses and infections. Helpful to stimulate appetite in underweight or difficult to feed birds.
Burdock Root arctium lappa – blood purifier, wound healer, aphrodisiac
Calendula Flower calendula officinalis – anti-fungal
Chickweed Herb stellaria media – C, B, D, anti-inflammatory, aids digestion, respiratory
Dandelion Leaf taraxacum officinale – stomach, vitamins, potassium, calcium, kidneys, aids digestion
Echinacea Herb echinacea angustfolia – antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, stimulates immune system, vitamins
Elder Berries & Elder Flower sambucus nigra – respiratory, anti-inflammatory, blood, appetite, improves heart health
Garlic allium sativum – antifungal, antioxidant, fertility, heart
Ginger zingiber officinale – loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
Kelp Granules macrocystis pyrifera – iodine, thyroid, stimulant, mucous membranes
Lavender Flower lavandula angustifolia – aids digestion, essential oils, stress, metabolism
Lemongrass cymbopogon – improves crop function, boosts feather quality and appearance, anti-oxidant
Licorice Root glycyrrhiza glabra – expectorant, supports liver function, anti-inflammatory, yeast infections
Marshmallow Root althaea officinalis – wounds, calcium, diuretic, demulcent, tonic
Milk Thistle Seed silybum marianum – protects liver health, heart, lungs, circulation, worms
Oatstraw avena sativa – calcium, magnesium, yeast infections, thyroid
Olive Leaf olea europaea – feather problems, immune support, fights infection, anti-parasitic, tranquilizer
Papaya Leaf carica papaya – improves digestion, benefits eye health, immunity booster
Parsley Leaf petroselinum crispum – high Source of flavonoid antioxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties
Pau d’arco Bark tabebuia avellanedae – blood cleanser, fights infections, liver, candida, feather/skin problems
Plantain Leaf plantago major – kidneys, appetite, diarrhea, anti-inflammatory, heals wounds
Red Clover Herb trifolium pratense – relaxant, antibiotic, inflammations, minerals, potassium, calcium
Spirulina Powder spirulina platensis – fertility, growth, stress, color, protein, antioxidant, improves digestive health
Thyme Leaf thymus vulgaris – antibacterial, kills & expels worms, diarrhea
Wormwood Herb artemisia absinthium – liver, aids digestion, appetite stimulant, worms
Yarrow Flower achillea millefolium – blood, supports liver function, virus & fungal inhibitor, tonic